Virtual Consultations

Virtual Consultations

Rejuva Concepts’ new, economically priced Virtual Consultations features a no-travel, all-phone-and-Internet format and all of the benefits of working with Rejuva Concepts:

  • A step-by-step customized 12-month medical practice marketing plan
  • Two private healthcare marketing consultations
  • A complete analysis of your practice website
  • A customer service evaluation of your office
  • A competitive/demographic analysis of your practice
  • A 100% money-back satisfaction guarantee

A nice added benefit is that the Virtual House Call is held at your convenience, without having to leave your practice. While it doesn’t offer the collegial interaction of a Workshop, you will benefit from convenience and a significant savings in costs, including:

  • No travel costs
  • No rental car or gasoline
  • No hotel room charges
  • No time away from your practice
  • Held completely at your convenience